Quick update!

We are in the final phase of figuring out the dates for the in person summer program at Wisdom House! It will either be Aug 7-10 or 17-20. To assure quality of the experience, there will be a completely separate, totally online program, also in August. As soon as faculty have confirmed and I’ve paid the deposit, I’ll post on social media and email the marketing list! Space will be limited to 10-12 attendees, and I am doing everything possible to keep it affordable while also paying our faculty fairly for their expertise and the travel required to get to western Connecticut!

This is where donors come in. Losing money is baked into the financial design of an org like Tamarack Arts, where we will never turn a student away because they don’t have the money. If you have the notion to make our programming possible and continuous, there are lots of ways to donate.

The intermediate/advanced online Spring Studio Class sold out, but we have room for 3 more in the Beginners Only! cohort. Please, spread the word—these classes are much more fun with a full grid of smiling faces looking back at you! Email me if you’d like a discount code for partial or full tuition.

Before I hit “post” I should also mention that cello faculty Benjamin Whitcomb has managed to do it again, this time offering his down-to-earth thorough treatment to chords for string players. Useful in both classical and improvised contexts, the Compendium of Chords series (cello version linked here!) offers much needed clarity on thinking harmonically and internalizing the underpinnings of western music. Dr. W has dedicated his life to helping people make sense of music, and I admire the way he continuously finds gaps in what’s available and writes affordable, easy to understand texts to fill those gaps.

More soon, friends!


Introducing our new faculty!


Stirrings of Spring